"My son's scores improved dramatically from taking your SAT prep course!! The classes are well organized and he was able to prepare in a very calm, quiet, productive environment. The small class sizes and individualized attention really made a difference and the quality of the teachers and their feedback motivated him to work harder. Thank you so much for your dedication to each student and for helpful comments along the way."
- From TJ High School SAT Student's Parents
"Prime Learning Center provided excellent tutoring services for both of my children in SAT test preparation and AP calculus. The extra help enabled both children to use their time optimally and really understand the material, keep up with the pace, and stay on top of their homework and extra curricular commitments. The tutors really know the material and are excellent teachers."
- Mother of TJ High School (Early Admission from Duke University)
and W.T. Woodson HS
and W.T. Woodson HS
"The constant practice with actual SAT materials and the great teaching staff at Prime Learning Center really made a difference in my scores. I've tried a lot of different SAT prep classes, but I can confidently say that Prime Learning Center was by far the most enjoyable and most effective."
- From TJ High School SAT Perfect Score Student (Admission from Harvard University and Stanford University)
"Just wanted to update you that Chris Lee did real well on his ACT test., He got a 32. His SAT also improved as well. Please say Thanks for the hard work to your instructors. I also recommend 2 other people to contact you for their childern's SAT."
- From Chantilly High School ACT and SAT Student's Parents
"The SAT Critical Reading classes were helpful in many ways. The teachers paid close attention to the progress of the individual student and adjusted the class plan and homework accordingly. They were experienced and were able to explain any confusion or abstract questions. In particular, the teachers drew from a variety of sources, including LSAT practice sets as well as SAT problems. Overall, I was given plenty of practice each week to improve my critical reading. and I gained much confidence in understanding the same passages that I once found intimidating."
- From TJ High School SAT Student (Admission from University of Chicago)
"My son got his SAT score this morning from the website. He got score of 1,550 with the 450 point improvement. I am quite pleased for that. Thank to you for everything."
- From Langley High School SAT Student's Parents
"I just want to thank you for your outstanding SAT Prep course and your efforts gave to Jessica. She got 1,540. This scores are much higher than her first diagnostic test. It is nice to be finished with this as a junior, so she doesn't have this weighing on her into her senior year. Thanks again!"
- From Langley High School SAT Student's Parents
"Want to give you some good news in regards to your tutoring with Jacob. We just received his SAT score today...1,580....Woo...His verbal went up 140 points. Thank you for your great tutoring."
- From TJ High School SAT Student's Parents (Princeton University)
"Preparing for the SAT with Prime Learning Center was very helpful. They taught me the strategies vital to achieving a high score on the SAT. When I made mistakes on practice questions, they made sure I understood why I got them wrong and how I could avoid such mistakes in the future. Memorizing vocabulary words with them was more than one-time recitals, and I was able to learn how to write essays in the SAT language. I was given enough practice questions necessary to retain what I learned during each class, but not so much as to wear myself out before the SAT Saturday. With their help, I was able to improve my SAT score by 150 points and achieved 2,300."
- From Oakton High School SAT Student (Admission from Carnegie Mellon Unversity Student)
"I would just like to say thank you for helping me make it into TJHSST. Thank you for your help in the first and second rounds. You were a great help in organizing my stories and I really appreciated the time you took to help me.Thanks."
- From the student of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2024)
"My son got accepted to TJ 2023 class! We are very excited and cannot wait to share this great news with you all. We would like to sincerely thank you for the wonderful job you have done preparing him for the test. We especially appreciate Ms. Anna's hard work, solid experience, and amazing patience. He said he would not make it without her help. Again, Thank you all very much!"
- From Parents of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2023)
"I found out a few days ago that I was accepted into Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology from the waitlist and wanted to thank you once again for your help. Your prep courses were well worth it and they not only prepared me for the TJ application process, but also helped me in my Geometry class in school. Once again, thank you for all the help you provided me with, and I can't wait for the next four years at TJ."
- From the student of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2022)
"I am very excited to inform you that I have been accepted into Thomas Jefferson High School for the Freshman Class of 2022. I couldn't have done it without your help for the last 6 months. PLC greatly prepared me for both the test and the essay sections and made me feel much more comfortable during both exams. Thank you so much again, and I will definitely keep in touch during my high school career."
- From the student of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2022)
"Just want to pass along that my son got into TJ and will be attending next year. Please pass along this information to his instructor Anna. He felt very prepared for all aspects of the TJ testing process. I will recommend the Prime Learning Center class with Anna to all who ask."
- From the student of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2022)
"Hope you are doing well. My son got into TJ. Thanks for preparing him for that."
- From the student of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2022)
"I wanted to let you know that my son has been admitted to TJ. Thank you very much for all your help!"
- From the student of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2022)
"I believe your class helped my son score well on the TJ test, but God decides who goes where. We will use your services in the future, to leverage test prep time. Thank you for your help."
- From Parents of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2018)
"I am happy to share that Ramya and Sneha got into TJ!! Thank you for your help. Please convey our thanks to Ann for all her help with their writing. She is really an awesome instructor."
- From Parents of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2017)
"Our son's sports and activity schedule is very complicated, so we arranged for TJ Prep sessions with Prime Learning Center. The tutors were excellent and offered exactly what he needed: a review of the subject matter, individual practice tests and corrections. His scores improved and he became more comfortable with the test structure. We highly recommend Prime Learning Center for TJHSST admissions test prep."
- From Parents of Successful TJ Applicant (Class of 2016)